Green House in Kilpauk

Green House




100 Red Roses

100 Red Roses

No better way to tell someone 'I love you' than this beautiful basket of 100 red roses.

1 Bouquet

₹ 5500

Just Perfect

Just Perfect

A beautiful mix of orchids and lilies for every occasion.

1 Bouquet

₹ 1200

Sweet Splendor

Sweet Splendor

A perfect combination of 4 red roses, 5 orchids and 3 lilies that comes together in a lovely round basket

1 Bouquet

₹ 1000

Royal Roses

Royal Roses

A combination of red and yellow roses that look absolutely ROYAL!

1 Bouquet

₹ 1300

Romantic Affair

Romantic Affair

A beautifully arranged basket of 15 carnations along with white cane sticks.

1 Bouquet

₹ 1000

Exotic Love

Exotic Love

A lovely combination of orchids, lilies and carnations that beautifully come together in a glass vase.

1 Bouquet

₹ 2200

Love Is In The Air

Love Is In The Air

A beautiful basket of 25 red roses to express exactly how you feel.

1 Bouquet

₹ 1500

A Classic

A Classic

You can never go wrong with this beautiful combination of red roses and white lilies that come in a lovely glass vase.

1 Bouquet

₹ 3500



A basket of 15 yellow roses arranged in the most amazing way.

1 Bouquet

₹ 1200

Pink Of 50S

Pink Of 50S

A basket of 50 pink roses to show someone you care.

1 Bouquet

₹ 2700

Green House


GREEN HOUSE, 28/1 Rajarathinam street, Kilpauk, Chennai 600010.

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